Liam’s work transports us into a world where light becomes both subject and storyteller, illuminating the fragile beauty of landscapes through the darkness. His photography redefines how we perceive our planet, blending the natural and the constructed, to create visions that exist on the edge of reality.
With an artistic process rooted in precision and experimentation, Liam harnesses custom-built LED drone systems and long-exposure techniques to reveal intricate details often overlooked in daylight. Since 2020, his work has taken him across glaciers, mountains, and coastlines, collaborating with environmental scientists, conservation organizations, and institutions like UNESCO to highlight the vulnerability of the natural world.
In 2024, Man launched the “Icebreaker” project, a United Nations selected project in support of the International Year of Glacier Preservation 2025. This series, captured from the frozeen lagoons of Iceland to the glaciers of Chilean Patagonia, uses light painting to highlight the changing cryosphere and impacts of climate change. Bridging art with advocacy, the exhibition is a call to awareness and action.
An emerging photographer to watch, Liam’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling has earned him recognition as a Sony Imaging Ambassador and the prestigious title of Open Photographer of the Year at the 2025 Sony World Photography Awards, solidifying his place among leading emerging artists.
Liam Man was born in the United Kingdom and currently works and lives as a visual artist and photographer, exploring the intersection of art, technology, and environmental consciousness.